Monday, March 15, 2010


I am in real desperate need of an angel(or several) right now. As many of you know my partner of nearly 8 years and I broke up a couple months ago. I reached out to local friends and family for a place to stay and found a great place to call home with a couple of 70-something lesbians, really great place on a lake with lots of love and support to heal. One of the ladies herniated a disc in her back and had to have surgery and could no longer climb the stairs to their second floor bedroom, thus needing the guest room on the first floor so they had to ask me to move out. So I packed nearly everything I own in my car and headed for my safe haven the place I always end-up when I don't know where else to turn, Portland, Maine.

I have a few friends on whose couches I am able to stay but I seek my own space, I have a need to be my on my own for this part of my healing. The problem lies in the fact that because of medical conditions I have not really worked in over a year. I have applied and been denied disability twice however as I lay here typing this my entire right leg is numb, all pins and needles from the pinched nerves in my back. Yesterday it was another of my ailments I awoke at 8am with a migraine headache that did not ease up until 4 pm, I spent most of that time asleep because the pain was too much to handle. Since moving to Portland 10 days ago I have had 2 trips to the ER and one to an emergency dental clinic, I am not doing well thus far.

I am scared to put myself out there to prospective employers because I have been fired from my last 3 jobs due to being unreliable due to my health. I have borrowed mooney from a friend to pay my car insurance and am borrowing money from another to have the tooth pulled that is causing so much pain.

What I need right now is love, support and if anyone can send a few dollars my way, I will forever be indebted and ever so grateful. Click the link for my paypal account.

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