First I must say how grateful I am that election day happens but once a year I am not sure I could handle all of this more often. Last year it was all about Obama and while I bought the t-shirt and CD and I had bumper stickers and buttons. I only spent part of one day working on his campaign.
I spent a few months working a fair amount of hours on the campaign of a dear friend who was running for the local State Representative seat and once we got all of her constituents taken care of I started calling the mid-west to get out the vote for Obama.
This year it is the battle here in Maine to protect the new law passed though our State Legislature and signed by Governor John Baldacci that would allow me and my beloved to get married here at home and have it be legal. I have spent countless hours working on this campaign starting back in April when we had the public hearing before the Judiciary Committee the like 13 hour long public hearing. With about 4000 attendees 3000 of which supported the bill at hand LD 1020, An Act To End Discrimination In Civil Marriage and Affirm Religious Freedom.
The polls close in just about 24 hours. I had wanted work as much as possible in the last 96 hours but after this past week I just am not able to. I am mentally and physically toast at this point so much so it has taken me well over an hour to write this little bit, I am done.